Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Baseball and Blessings

Our Star hitter

The Mets team

Brayden's fan club

Practice swing....which usually involves a 360 degree spin

First bat!

Hard to believe its almost May. We haven't had very much "spring like" weather with the exception of extreme amounts of rain, so today's 75 degrees felt like it came on rather suddenly. We are so ready for it though. Today we went to a "practice" game for Brayden's little league team! It was precious watching all the kids with the cute often too big uniforms, and best efforts at a real game. Brayden definatly has his own style of doing things on the ball field....its funny, it works, and I'm certainly glad to have a family that doesn't take itself too seriously. The only bad thing about today is the inescapable feeling that we are missing someone who should be sitting in the stand next to us. She was sound asleep (hopefully) while we were batting and cheering but I am so anxious for there to be 5 Bradfords during these times. Again, how do you miss someone you've never met? But it's how we feel and we just keep clinging to those pictures :-).
We have started on that tremendously tediously huge stack of paper work called our dossier, our homestudy should be ready for review this week, all our classes are completed, and the USCIS application is staring at us waiting for the fundraising to catch up! The ball is rolling!

Remember our $2000 goal. Well we are only $800 away from that first goal! Unbelievable how much God has provided. We have prayed 5 very intentional specific prayers through the process of this adoption thus far and God has answered EVERY SINGLE ONE. He has just been rocking our socks off as a dear Aunt would say and I am overwhelmed by it. In order to move forward we really need to start tackleing that goal again. Last saturday between your generous donations and our savings we were able to send off our first big chunk with our contract in the mail. It was a scary, yet an AMAZING feeling, but there is much yet to do.

So today I am listing our next sale. I do still have some lovely beads left if you are interested in those to help support our adoption. You can read deatils about them here. But I am adding some beautiful 8X10  prints for sale designed by two very talented Graphic Designers that compliment the journey God has taken us on quite nicely. I am looking forward to hanging one up in my own home. I will be selling these prints for $10.00 each. Will you consider helping us move forward with one of these purchases?
Thank you so much! Really, $7,000 is not a lot in the world of adoption.....I am blown away by how MUCH God has provided. I trust him to get us the rest of the way there! Leave me a comment if you would like to make a purchase. Thanks!

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